Since the online grocery shopping trend is rising with the coronavirus outbreak and pandemic caused due to COVID-19 disease, more and more American citizens are inclined towards online grocery stores as they don’t need to get out of their homes.
Indeed, online grocery shopping has been a safe and easy way of shopping, but even in the pandemic, we can opt for environment-friendly options by making a few adjustments and go green with online grocery shopping.
Key points where we can make online grocery shopping more environment friendly
1. Less usage of personal vehicles – Less carbon footprint
2. Single vehicle usage for bulk deliveries within the area – Again, less carbon footprint
3. Single packaging for multiple items – Saving on packaging materials
4. Same day delivery – Availing same day or next day delivery impacts on storage of products and serves the environment in a unique way.
Well, recently, we celebrated the Earth Day on 22nd April and since we are all stuck at homes, we thought of writing an article on how grocery shopping impacts on the environment and how we as citizens on this Earth, we can reduce it.
Here are some points we found other than mentioned above
Buying seasonal and local stuff
An amazing fact about local and seasonal grocery is that they are available nearby and are less travelled which makes them more environmentally friendly and reduces the toll on the earth.
Choose organic whenever possible or available
Why choose foods sprayed with poisonous herbicides and pesticides when you have organic options available with you. These chemicals create a negative impact on farmland which is indeed not a green thing. Organic products are grown in the environment friendly facilities where its greener option for us.
Plan ahead & avoid wastage
One of the important notes to take into consideration is that you can plan ahead your list of online grocery shopping and take time to complete the list to avoid repetitive deliveries. Also, think about those unnecessary things or extra quantities you are eager to order, are they really necessary? If not, avoid ordering them.
Look out for packaging
Opt for items which come with green or recyclable packaging materials. Ask your online grocery store if they practice recyclable packaging while delivering fresh groceries.
Avoid ordering some items
Items with plastic packaging should be avoided. Also, avoid ordering bottled water if you can have water at home by tap or with a filter or so.
Other than these useful tips, you can also follow:
- Thoroughly check for labels which say all-green or 100% organic for their authenticity
- Try growing your own garden if you have enough space
We hope these tips will help our Mother Nature sustain in a holistic way.
Since you all are homebound, log on to Quicklly and try ordering your groceries online; we are trying to deliver the fresh items as soon as possible.
Stay home, stay safe.